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Lets get Creative

After focusing for a while now on patching the framework for my Markov interface, formatting and patch efficiency, I have been treating myself by tucking into the creative side of the project. I've been having solo 'jams' on my laptop, using several duplicate copies of my Markov Device to generate melodic content on Serum, as well as generated 'mashes' of drum loops and other samples stored in 'Simpler'. I've been getting close to making songs, but these have been recorded in arrangement mode, and have required non real-time work with automation, parameter changes etc. Ultimately though, I am once again happy with the idea of using Markov chains to generate music, and more than ever I am seeing evidence that they can be used in a flexible manner. I'm a long way from using my devices in a 'semi real-time' system, but it's off to a good start.

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