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Exploring MaxForLive

For the last four years I have been using Max/MSP, creating standalone patches as well as music systems of multiple communicating patches. All of this time I have neglected one of the most powerful tools in generative and creative music coding: Ableton Live.

One of the main features of Ableton Live is its support of Max/MSP devices. Devices that you make can be used in the same way as plugins and VSTs, meaning my generative music creations can be used within the framework of a DAW. As this project is primarily concerned with creating an innovative system of generating, auditioning and communicating information for devices to use, I a am not concerned with exclusively using my own devices. Therefore, one of my objectives within this project is to investigate and utilise pre-existing MaxForLive devices, and assess whether they will be have an appropriate use within my algorithmic music system.

A great place to start will be the vast resource that is, the MaxForLive and Max/MSP Facebook groups, and the Cycling74 forums. I am sure that I will find some useful devices that could be used within the project, but there may be a lot of tweaking needed to ensure they are working within the framework of my project.

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