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Unified Sound 1: Animal Farm

My MaxForLive Markov device isn't just good for generating synth melodies. The numbers that are generated through the Markov chains that are usually associated with musical notes, can also be used as chop points in drum loops, and all sorts of other samples! Recently I've been messing around a lot with different animal sounds, such as dogs, cats, birds, chickens, cow... to name just a few! By dragging a lengthy and varied sample of a chicken making its crazy noises, I can randomly generate bizarre rhythms using Simpler's 'Slice Mode'. I can then further explore the sampe, by exploring the overall sample with the starting point slider, in addition to increasing/decreasing the slice-by-transient sensitivity.

I've been getting some really rewarding and original results from this method of sample exploration, and I'd love to include it in my project as one of my signature generative instruments. Sadly though, there doesn't seem to be a way to randomly choose a sample in Simper, or to control the sensitivity/starting point via API. Therefore, I'm going to have to either find a MaxForLive recreation of this device so that it can be used within the framework of the performance project, or make one myself.

[edit 06/09/18: towards the end of July 2018, I found the AZLabs: Slice Control M4L device that seemed to be exactly what I was looking for. I e-mailed AZLabs to confirm that I would be able to

control the device in the way that I wanted, but it turned out that it would not be possible. Sadly, the information shown is simply observed from the actual Simper device via API, meaning that once again I was stuck with the problem of being unable to randomly generate a sample to be explored]

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