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Until now, I had some silly glitches within my Markov generator that was causing some problems with workflow. For reasons that I don't quite understand, I was having to click within the borders of the device before commencing playback to ensure that the generations began on the first note. When there were several duplicate devices, this was obviously causing pretty big problems. I had attempted to solve this several times, by using API to observe the transport playback state, and use this as a way of ensuring generations were reset from the start. I was having so many problems with this and struggled throughout the entire christmas period with it, even though it seemed like such a simple problem!

I eventually found a solution last night, thank goodness. It started when I discovered [plugsync~], an object that works very similar to [transport], but specially made to work with Ableton Live. I couldn't tell you exactly why, but when I made a device which used the [plugsync~] playback state to trigger the resetting of generation timings, it worked pefectly - even if I didn't click on the device, or even the track it was contained in. This has resulted in a much smoother workflow - I no longer have to worry about unnecessary idiosyncrasies such as clicking in a specific place in order for the devices to work correctly. Just as long as I always ensure that somewhere in the Ableton project, the device 'PlugSyncState' is active.

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