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Auditioning Clips

My Markov device is working great, but there's one key problem I am noticing, and that is how there is currently no way of storing the data that represents an accepted candidate. The ideal way of doing this would be in the form of clips in Ableton Live, but there is no obvious way of doing this, considering that MIDI data is being output from a M4L device, as opposed to being directly input via a MIDI keyboard.

For a little while I was trying to work out how to get the strings of data converted into a format that would be accepted by jit.matrix, which could then be sent via API to be stored as a clip. This was getting really complicated, and it seemed that the API didnt work in this way (as the API path did was not compatible with 'set'. Getting stuck in a rut with this, it suddenly occured to me that I could simply have a duplicate track for every instrument, the input of which would be the MIDI data from it's source. This way I could speedily record a bunch of my favourite Markov generations as clips, as either individual instruments or as groups, all happening in real-time. I can't seem to find a way of getting Ableton to automatically cue the recording of the next clip-slot, so I may have to code something in Max involving the API to find a way of doing this.

If I were to use this method I'd have to start looking into using a second laptop to avoid audio overlap. One computer would be be the 'generator' computer, and the other would be the 'performance' computer.

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