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Taming the beast that is Serum's hunger for CPU

I'm beginning to have some worries about Serum hogging my computers CPU. Some of the presets (particularly of the Pad and Sequence variety) are extremely CPU heavy, and are causing problems. If I play a triad chord on some of the pad presets, Abletons CPU visualizor sometimes reaches up to 75%... that's just on ONE INSTRUMENT, and my computers have pretty decent specs!

A temporary solution that has helped a lot is by removing all of the effects/processing occuring in Serum's internal rack, and replacing them with Abletons less CPU heavy effects. This is laborious, but can reduce the CPU load by a huge amount. Ultimately though, I fear that the use of Serum isn't going to be sustainable, considering the large amount of instruments that I want to use for this project. Currently everything is working within the CPU limits, but I'll have to keep an eye on this.

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