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The (un)importance of genre

In my past algorithmic music systems, I have generally set a specific genre. There was one for jungle, acid-techno, jump-up drum and bass... how will I handle it this time? I have been thinking that the genre could be determined by the audiences preference - if the audience 'tweet' that they want a certain genre, this will be focused on. This kind of networking and data could be processed pretty easily. If no one indicated anything, then the music could slowly drift towards a mad chaos of genres.

I have also considered the possibility of, this time around, shifting the focus away from the genre and towards the overall sound-world used. One of my aims is to to create a self-contained performance that maintains a consistent sound world and works on the whole as an artistic statement. Because of this, perhaps genre doesn't matter... by defining a genre, all I will achieve is to put boundaries on what sounds can be achieved, and to limit my creativity.

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